1. Aeolian

The Aeolian mode id the 6th mode of the major musical scale. It is commonly
referred to as natural minor, the relative minor musical scale of the major
musical scale. It's a Greek musical scale which entered into the western minor/major
2. Ake Bono

Ake Bono is a traditional five-note Japanese musical scale. In a Western context,
it can be thought of as a pentatonic version of the Aeolian mode. |
3. Banshiki - Cho

It is a traditional five note Japanese musical scale. In Western context, it can
be thought of as a pentatonic version of the Dorian mode with an added #5 |
4. Bayati

Arabian musical scale with a lowered E (quarter tone), similar to the Phrygian mode. |
5. Dorian

The Dorian mode is the 2nd mode of the major musical scale. |
6. Harmonic minor

The augmented 2nd (b6-7) gives this musical scale its characteristic sound. The
lowered 6th tone is the leading tone. |
7. Hitzaz
Arabian musical scale, in a western context a Phrygian major musical scale or the 5th mode
of the harmonic minor musical scale. |
8. Hitzazkiar - Persian
musical scale
This Arabian and Persian musical scale can be found also in Indian music. Bhairon
is an Indian raga. In a Western context, it resembles a harmonic minor with
Bb altered tension. |
9. Hungarian Major
Hungarian major is an interesting colorful seven-note musical scale, which is a
similar to the Locrian musical scale (7th mode of the major musical scale). |
10. Huzam
A Greek musical scale, which is often used in a Greek folk music. |
11. Ionian

This is the major musical scale in Western music. |
12. Kokin -Choshi
A traditional five-note Japanese musical scale. Can be applied to a Phrygian sound
in a Western context. |
13.Kourd - Atar / Todi

An seven note Arabian and Indian musical scale
(raga) which can be played well in a minor pentatonic blues context. |
14. Lydian
The 4th mode of the major musical scale (Ionian mode). Tense, aggressive and expansive
character. |
15. Minor Penta
A relative minor of the major pentatonic musical scale. It is built on the 5th degree
of the major pentatonic musical scale. Much of the music of West Africa is based
on this very pure melodic musical scale. |
16. Neveseri

Greek musical scale, used in Greek folk music. |
17. Niavent - Egyptian

This Greek musical scale is also called the Egyptian musical scale, a musical scale which reassembles
the harmonic minor musical scale. The nalme comes from its unique north African
sound. |
18. Nirz Rast

Arabian musical scale, the 3rd and 6th tones are lowered (quarter tone) It resembles
an Aeolian musical scale. |
19. Pentatonic C
The Major pentatonic musical scale is a five-note musical scale that does not contain a
tritone or half step. This gives the musical scale a neutral, non-dissonant quality
that lends it to a natural, melodic quality. |
20. Pentatonic F

This is a five-note musical scale with the typical color of the Chinese music. This
musical scale starts on the 4th degree of the musical scale. |
21. Pelog
Pelog is Javanese seven-note musical scale. This musical scale can be found in Gamelan
orchestras. |
22. Purvi
Purvi is a six-note Indian musical scale (raga), which resembles a Jazz minor
musical scale |
23. Pygmy

The Dorian Pentatonic musical scale is a five note version of the Dorian mode.
It is also known as the Pygmy musical scale from Rwanda |
24. Rast

An Arabian musical scale, which is used around the Mediterranean. The 3rd and
7th are lowered a quarter tone. |
25. Rumanikos

A Greek musical scale which resembles the musical scale used by the Roma people.
26. Sabah
A Greek musical scale which we find also in Arabian culture (Saba), similar
to the Niavent musical scale |
27. Sadjagrama
One of the two old Indian musical scales which show minor and a major characteristics.
This musical scale is tuned on the basis of the Indian interval system (22 shrutis,
or notes, give one octave) |
28. Segiah
A Greek musical scale with melodic minor characters. |
29. Sho
Sho is a traditional six note Japanese musical scale, resembling the Dorian
mode. |

Slendro is a traditional Javanese five-note musical scale. This tempered musical scale
is an original one with extended octaves and equidistant pentatonics. |