Harmonic Generator |
Created by Isaac Zal, the Harmonic Generator is a new experimental electronic instrument. It consists of five main components:
- 64 piano strings on the outside of the device are chromatically tuned to 32 notes.
- 32 corresponding motors with bristle paint brushes beating the strings at controlled speeds
- a homemade keyboard, played like a piano, controls motors.
- 12 pick-ups that focus on one octave of strings
- a transducer at the end of the instrument that feeds back the sound of the pick-ups into the large resonance hull
Check out Isaac's site at 4thstatemetals.com

Each of the 32 motors, hovering over the chromatically tuned piano strings, rotates a paint brush from 600-2000 revolutions per minute, which stimulates pure harmonic sound. The 12 sound pickups hover over the strings, shooting the sound back into the metal body of the instrument in order to induce harmonic feedback.
The resulting sound of this new instrument can only be described as a symphony inside the belly of a whale!
Sound Samples coming soon!