Created by Fred Carlson,
Oracle is a 24-string Harp-Sympitar, commissioned by software writer
and guitarist Jeff Titus. Jeff's inspiration was a combination of
the harp-guitar work of the late Michael Hedges, and Alex de Grassi's
use of the 18-string Sympitar. Jeff intended the instrument to be
a loving tribute and dedication to Michael Hedges. The spiral and
arrows inlay motif used on the back of the instrument and as an
inlay at the 12th fret of the fingerboard, is the property of the
Michael Hedges Estate, and is used with permission.
Oracle was built
to be primarily acoustic, but is is fully amplifiable and midi-capable;
each set of strings has a separate pickup system with separate output
jack. It has 6 main, fretted strings; 6 sub-bass harp strings on
a bass-side body extension with separate peghead; and 12 internal
sympathetic resonating strings. As with Fred's 18-string Sympitars,
the internal sympathetics run inside the neck, inside the body and
go over an East Indian style "jiwari" bridge, that gives them a
little buzz: that Indian drone sound. The spiral and arrows inlay
(done in fine maple purfling line) on the rosewood back delineates
a magnetically closed access door, useful for replacing or adjusting
sympathetic strings, internal electronics and for repair access.
Visit Fred Carlson's
website for more information on his quality custom stringed instruments
and more.

Photo credits: Alan Porter |